Wednesday, October 21, 2009

~ I Had A Dream~

i dreamed about the same dream twice since last night. and that made me woke up, yet I'm afraid to have the same dream again. and it made my heart beat fast every time i confront with something familiar. the weird thing is, its nothing near to a nightmare, yet its a dream of all dreams. a dream that i always dream of. and it gave me hope, thats why its kinda frightening me because what if its never gonna happen? the dream gave me hope, but the real world offers nothing. what should i do huh...

a dream can dream wonderful things,
and also horrible things.
wonderful dreams offers you false hope
but horrible dreams will make you realize
how the real world really is.

hoping to have a nightmare...

they say dreams will come true, but i say they are wrong, i say they do.

*i thought that my heart will never beat again?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

~Tribute To DAQ~

Engkau bumi persinggahan,
Para nabi dan anbiya',
Sinar satu perjuangan,
Qalam Rabbul Alamin, Palestin,
Malang dikau di kala ini,
Darah mu tertumpah sepanjang hari,
Makanan mortar laknatullah si yahudi,
Adalah anak-anak kecil tak mengerti, Palestin,
Malang juga dikau di kala ini,
Dayusnya saudara seaqidah mu sendiri,
Berpeluk tubuh hanya memerhati,
Mempertahankan kepentingan duniawi,

Sedarlah pemuda gentar ku,
Bebaskan diri dari jerangkap hedonisme,
Kerana tiada senang si durjana yahudi,
Selagi kau tak mengikut jalan syaitani,

Bangunlah pemuda gentar ku,
Perjuangkan kebenaran Illahi,
Walaupun tak setanding Salahuddin Al Ayubi,
Cukuplah walau sekecil-kecil tarbiyyah diri,

...kerana engkau umpama gergasi yang sedang enak dibuai mimpi,
...menunggu masa untuk dibangkiti

nukilan : qalami (